Friday, April 15, 2011

First Week Musts!

A list of "First Week Musts" that will take place in my room!  This will be updated as ideas present themselves!

1.  Technology Inventory:  A Google Form to inquire what students' technology access  Including Cell Phones:  Unlimited Texting?, Web Access; Internet: High Speed?; Personal Mobile Devices:  iPad/iPod/Zoom/

2.  Class time devoted to setting up major tools in our school's Google Apps:  optimizing search, mail (setting up signatures, labels, and others stuff), creating at least five readers subscriptions and folders within that app, creating document collections for presumed classes, set up iGoogle, and bookmarks.

3.  Set up a Posterous account and connect the professional blogs with our classroom accounts.  The reason for this is that Posterous, through their iPad app allows for uploading pictures from the iPad.

4.  Develop specific information pertaining to the "Teaching Cybersecurity" list of items that USA Today presented.  The article is found at

5.  Letterhead created in Google Docs to be consistent with our house.  Link

6.  Set up Google Voice Number so students receive help anytime.
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